The Importance of Preventive Dental CareDental CheckupsDental Cleanings and Oral HygieneBrushing Your TeethHow to Floss Your TeethThe Application of Dental SealantsPeriodic Fluoride Treatments Oral Health Care and Prevention Diseases and Conditions Affecting the Oral Cavity Tooth DecayPeriodontal (Gum) DiseaseDry MouthBad Breath/HalitosisMouth UlcersTMJ DisordersMalocclusionOral Cancer Repairing and Restoring Decayed or Damaged Teeth Composite or “Tooth Colored” FillingsInlays/OnlaysDental Crowns or “Caps”Root Canal Therapy Non-Surgical Periodontal TreatmentPeriodontal SurgeryCrown LengtheningSoft Tissue Grafts or “Gum Grafts”Osseous Grafts or “Bone Grafts” Treating Periodontally Involved Teeth Full or Partial DenturesFixed BridgeworkDental Implants Replacing Missing Teeth Cosmetic Dentistry Dental BondingTeeth WhiteningVeneersCeramic Crowns Orthodontics BracesInvisalign Dental Emergencies ToothachesTraumatic Injuries